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Viñales, Pinar del Rio, Cuba pt 1

Posted on Mar 19, 2016

From Havana we travelled west a couple of hours to Viñales in the Pinar del Río province.
About 80% of Cuban tobacco comes from Viñales and like Havana, it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The view from the Los Jazmines hotel was absolutely breathtaking! You could see the round mountain tops, the tobacco farms and the reddest earth you can find.

We also visited the caves del indio (where we took a boat ride!) and Benito’s tobacco farm.

Also, bonus pic: The Bacunayagua bridge in Matanzas. Amazing view of the valley and the bridge from the mirador nearby.

Viñales, Pinar del Rio

Viñales, Pinar del Rio

Viñales, Pinar del Rio

Viñales, Pinar del Rio

Viñales, Pinar del Rio

Viñales, Pinar del Rio

Hotel Los Jazmines, Viñales

Hotel Los Jazmines, Viñales

Palmas barrigonas (belly palm)

Palmas barrigonas (belly palm)

Mural de la prehistoria

Mural de la prehistoria

Cueva del indio, Viñales

Cueva del indio, Viñales

Cueva del indio, Viñales

Cueva del indio, Viñales

Cueva del indio, Viñales

Cueva del indio, Viñales

Benito's tobacco hut

Benito’s tobacco hut

Benito Carnejo

Benito Carnejo

Benito Carnejo

Benito Carnejo

Benito's tobacco hut

Benito’s tobacco hut

Benito's turkey

Benito’s turkey

Bacunayagua bridge, Matanzas

Bacunayagua bridge, Matanzas